Some of our active partnerships

Casey House is a member of the Downtown East Ontario Health Team alongside health partners committed to creating an integrated system of care.

A walk-in clinic for people with HIV who do not have health insurance or immigration status in Canada, offering vital services and connecting them to health care.

Casey House is an active member of the clinic where one of our nurses staffs the clinic one morning every two weeks

Free drop-in medical and counselling services for women seeking discretion and accessible sexual health care. A Casey House nurse helps staff the clinic.

Subsidizes child care for HIV+ parents while they attend to their health, whether it’s medical appointments, group sessions, educational workshops, or hospital care.

Local AIDS service organizations can access this funding for parents with children under the age of 12, removing one more barrier to achieving their health goals. It is funded entirely by Casey House Foundation donors.

In partnership with Toronto Public Health, we build and distribute safer injection, inhalation and crystal meth kits to clients and at our front door 24 hours a day every day of the year.

Many Casey House clinical and non-clinical staff members are working at our Ontario Health Team’s COVID-19 vaccination clinics. These clinics are led by Sherbourne Health and Regent Park Community Health Centre, are supported by Unity Health, and serve hot spot communities.

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